Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February Meeting Re-Cap

The February meeting evoked in me a mixture of excitement, discouragement, inspiration, and motivation.

I have taken my share of "pretty pictures". And while I have enjoyed them and appreciated the "oooh's and ahhh's" from friends and family, I am now at the point where I desire and aspire to move beyond that skill level. I am striving to gain a vision and understanding of what a truly artful photograph is.

And the effort to see what is, and then capture, artistic images is a challenging and elusive task.
But, our group is helping me (i.e. pushing and prodding – in a very professional, tactful, and caring way) to do that. I sense that my horizons are expanding (at least a little bit).

Brian Buroker
Salt Lake Seven

Photograph: Stairs In My Eyes, Chicago ©2004 Brian Buroker

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